Latest Job in Bhel

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Union Railway Minister Suresh Prabhu to present the ‪‎Rail Budget 2015‬ -16 in Parliament | Railway Budget 2015-16 Important points | Live update of Rail Budget 2015-16 | Indian Rail Budget update 2015-16

Union Railway Minister Suresh Prabhu to present the ‪‎Rail Budget 2015‬ -16 in Parliament | Railway Budget 2015-16 Important points | Live update of Rail Budget 2015-16

Time 12.54 PM - Open wi-fi to be available at 400 railway stations; proposal to revamp the station re-development scheme, says Suresh Prabhu

Time 12.46PM - No increase in passenger fares
SMS alert to be introduced for train timings
E-catering introduced in 108 trains, can order on IRCTC website

Time 12.26PM  : Good News: Mobile charging facilities in general compartments, Wi-Fi in Category B stations, says Railway Minister

Time 12.35 AM: 5 साल में 8.5 लाख करोड़ रुपये का होगा निवेश: सुरेश प्रभु

Time 12.34 AM: यात्री किराए में नहीं होगी बढ़ोतरी: सुरेश प्रभु

Time 11.48 AM : Railway Minister Sunil Prabhu does a thumbs up outside Rail Bhavan before leaving for the Parliament to present his first Budget.

Time : 11.31AM - लोकसभा फिर से 11:45 तक के लिए स्थगित

Time : 11.30AM - No room for hiking rail fares, says Former Railway Minister Dinesh Trivedi ahead                               of the Railway Budget.
Time : 11.00AM - लोकसभा की कार्यवाही 11:30 बजे तक के लिए स्थगित.
TIme : 10.50AM - बजट से पहले रेलमंत्री सुरेश प्रभु ने कहा- रेलवे की कठिनाइयां बहुत हैं, पर उन्हें दूर करेंगे

Vacancy Fitters ,electrician etc for 10th Pass at BHEL , Ranipur, Haridwar, Uttrakhand | Last Date 10 March 2015 | Sarkari Naukri 2015 | Latest Jobs 2015

Vacancy Fitters ,electrician etc for 10th Pass at BHEL , Ranipur, Haridwar, Uttrakhand | Last Date 10 March 2015 | Sarkari Naukri 2015 | Latest Jobs 2015

भारत हैवी इलेक्ट्रिकल लिमिटेड, हरिद्वार में वैकेंसी निकली हैं. इच्छुक उम्मीदवार 10 मार्च तक आवेदन कर सकते हैं.
पद का नाम
मोटर मैकेनिक
इलेक्ट्रिकल मैकेनिक

पदों की संख्या: 278

योग्यता: 10वीं पास और आईटीआई का सर्टिफिकेट

उम्र सीमा: 18-27 साल

चयन प्रक्रिया: उम्मीदवारों का चयन लिखित परीक्षा इंटरव्यू के आधार पर किया जाएगा.

For More Details See below

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Vacancy of Research Fellow at Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Pune | Last Date 2 March 2015 | Latest Jobs 2015

Vacancy of Research Fellow at Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Pune | Last Date 2 March 2015 | Latest Jobs 2015

इंडियन इंस्‍टीट्यूट ऑफ साइंस एंड रिसर्च (IISER)में रिसर्च एसोसिएट के लिए वैकेंसी निकली है. इच्‍छुक उम्‍मीदवार 2 मार्च 2015 तक आवेदन कर सकते हैं.
पद का नाम: रिर्सच  एसोसिएट
योग्‍यता: पीएचडी इन केमिस्‍ट्री

उम्र सीमा: 35 वर्ष

उम्‍मीदवारों का चयन इंटरव्‍यू के आधार पर किया जाएगा.
For More Details See below

Vacancy of 889 posts at karnataka public service commission | Last date 22 March 2015 | PSC jobs 2015 | sarkari naukri 2015

Vacancy of 889 posts at karnataka public service commission | Last date 22 March 2015 | PSC jobs 2015 | sarkari naukri 2015

कर्नाटक पब्लिक सर्विस कमीशन में 889 पदों पर भर्ती हो रही है. इच्छुक उम्मीदवार 22 मार्च तक आवेदन कर सकते हैं.
पदों के नाम
टाउन प्लानर
असिस्टेंट डायरेक्टर ऑफ फैक्टरीज
असिस्टेंट ऑफिसर
फीमेल स्टाफ नर्स
ड्रग एनालिस्ट
असिस्टेंट डायरेक्टर
तमिल लेक्चरार

पदों की संख्या: 889

आयु सीमा: 18-35 साल

योग्यता: पदों के हिसाब से अलग-अलग

आवेदन शुल्क: 300 रुपये, आरक्षित वर्ग के लिए 25 रुपये

चयन इंटरव्यू और लिखित परीक्षा के आधार पर किया जाएगा.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Various Vacancy at Doordarshan ,DD News,Copernicus Marg, New Delhi | Last Date 09 March 2015 | Latest Jobs March 2015 | Sarkari Naukri 2015

Various Vacancy at Doordarshan ,DD News,Copernicus Marg, New Delhi | Last Date 09 March 2015 | Latest Jobs March 2015 | Sarkari Naukri 2015

दूरदर्शन में कई पदों पर वैकेंसी निकली है, इच्‍छुक उम्‍मीदवार 9 मार्च 2015 तक आवेदन कर सकते हैं.
पदों का वि‍वरण:

सीनियर एंकर-कम-कॉरेस्पोंडेंट्स(अंग्रेजी)/आउटपुट कोऑर्डिनेटर्स- 4
एंकर-कम-कॉरेस्पोंडेंट्स(अंग्रेजी)- 4
कॉरेस्पोंडेंट्स(अंग्रेजी)- 4
डिप्टी असाइमेंट एडिटर- 2
सीनियर प्रोमो मोशन ग्राफिक्स आर्टिस्ट- 1
सीनियर प्रोमो एडिटर- 1
टेक्स्ट मॉनीटर (द्विभाषी)-5

For More Details See Below

Live Oscar Awards 2015 List of Winners of the ongoing 87th Academy Academy Awards 22 Feb 2015 T Los Angeles, US | Current Affairs 2015

Live Oscar Awards 2015  List of Winners of the ongoing 87th Academy Academy Awards 22 Feb 2015 T Los Angeles, US | Current Affairs 2015

Ths 87th Academy Awards are underway at the Dolby Theatre in Hollywood. Here's the list of winners

Best Actress in a Supporting Role: Patricia Arquette for Boyhood

Best Actor in a Supporting Role: JK Simmons for Whiplash

Best Costume Design: Milena Canonera for The Grand Budapest Hotel

Best Makeup and Hairstyling: Frances Hannon and Mark Coulier for The Grand Budapest Hotel

Best Foreign Language Film: Ida, Poland

Best Live Action Short: The Phone Call

Best Documentary Short: Crisis Hotline: Veterans Press I

Best Sound Mixing: Whiplash

Best Sound Editing: American Sniper

Best Visual Effects: Interstellar

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Now Banaras Hindu University(BHU), Varanasi will no longer part of IIT | News March 2015

Now Banaras Hindu University(BHU), Varanasi will  no longer part of IIT | News March 2015

बनारस हिंदू यूनिवर्सिटी का हिस्सा आईआईटी अब यूनिवर्सिटी से अलग होने जा रहा है. जून के बाद यूनिवर्सिटी का नियंत्रण आईआईटी से खत्म हो जाएगा. मानव संसाधन मंत्रालय ने इससे जुड़ी सारी तैयारियां पूरी कर ली हैं.
इससे पहले भी आईआईटी को बीएचयू से अलग करने की कोशिश की गई थी. केंद्र सरकार ने आईटी बीएचयू को आईआईटी बनाने के लिए 2012 में इंडस्ट्री ऑफ टेक्नोलॉजी एमेंडमेंट बिल पारित कराया था, जिसको लेकर काफी विरोध भी हुआ. जिसके बाद इस प्रावधान में यह जोड़ा गया था कि तीन साल तक आईआईटी बीएचयू के चेयरमैन बीएचयू के कुलपति होंगे.

2015 जून में यह समय सीमा खत्म हो रही है. जून के बाद नए चेयरमैन की नियुक्ति की जाएगी. जिसके बाद कई नए फैसले लिए जा सकते हैं.

Recruitment of Post of Clerk at Federal Bank Feb 2015 | Last Date 05 March 2015 | Bank Jobs 2015 | Clerk Jobs 2015

Recruitment of Post of Clerk at Federal Bank Feb 2015 | Last Date 05 March 2015 | Bank Jobs 2015 | Clerk Jobs 2015

फेडरल बैंक में क्लर्क की नौकरी के लिए वैकेंसी निकली हैं. इच्छुक उम्मीदवार 5 मार्च तक आवेदन कर सकते हैं.
पद का नाम: क्लर्क

योग्यता: ग्रेजुएट

उम्र सीमा: 24 साल

पे स्केल: 7200-19300

चयन प्रक्रिया: उम्मीदवारों का चयन एप्टीट्यूट टेस्ट, ग्रुप डिस्कशन और पर्सनल इंटरव्यू के आधार पर चयन किया जाएगा.

For More Details See Below

Vacancy for Media Support Executive at Election Commission of India on contract basis , New Delhi | Last Date 02 March 2015 | Naukri 2015 | ECI Jobs 2015

Vacancy for Media Support Executive at Election Commission of India on contract basis , New Delhi | Last Date 02 March 2015 | Naukri 2015 | ECI Jobs 2015

चुनाव आयोग में मीडिया सपोर्ट एग्जीक्यूटिव की नौकरी हैं. इच्छुक उम्मीदवार 5 मार्च से पहले आवेदन कर सकते हैं.

पद का नाम
मीडिया सपोर्ट एग्जीक्यूटिव

पे स्केल: 35000

चयन इंटरव्यू के आधार पर किया जाएगा.
For More Details See below

'eBiz' launched for one-stop clearance to investment proposals ( Government to business services) | Govt of India 2015

'eBiz' launched for one-stop clearance to investment proposals ( Government to business services) | Govt of India 2015

eBiz is one of the integrated services projects and part of the 27 Mission Mode Projects (MMPs) under the National E-Governance Plan (NEGP) of the Government of India. eBiz is being implemented by Infosys Technologies Limited (Infosys) under the guidance and aegis of Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP), Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India. The focus of eBiz is to improve the business environment in the country by enabling fast and efficient access to Government-to-Business (G2B) services through an online portal. This will help in reducing unnecessary delays in various regulatory processes required to start and run businesses.
This project aims at creating an investor-friendly business environment in India by making all regulatory information – starting from the establishment of a business, through its ongoing operations, and even its possible closure - easily available to the various stakeholders concerned. In effect, it aims to develop a transparent, efficient and convenient interface, through which the government and businesses can interact in a timely and cost effective manner, in the future.
The vision of eBiz is to be the entry point for all individuals, businesses and organizations (local and international) who would like to do business or have any existing business in India by creating a one-stop-shop of convenient and efficient online G2B services to the business community, by reducing the complexity in obtaining information and services related to starting businesses in India, and dealing with licenses and permits across the business life-cycle.

Website -

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Walk-In-Interview for engaging Research Biologist on Contract basis at Wildlife Institute of India | Interview date 2 March 2015 | wildlife job 2015 | Latest Jobs Feb 2015

Walk-In-Interview  for engaging Research Biologist on Contract basis at Wildlife Institute of India | Interview date 2 March 2015 | wildlife job 2015

The Wildlife Institute of India, Dehradun invites application for Walk-in-interview for engaging Research Biologist for the Project entitled “Landscape Sustainability Challenges in West Singhbhum Region due to Collective Mining Regimes: Mining- Wildlife Habitat Linkages and Impacts”  purely on contractual basis for a period of fourteen months.  The EQ, DQ and other details of the Research Biologist is as provided below: 
Engagement Positions
Research Biologist (Two position)
14 months
Location of Project site
Saranda forests, West Singhbhum district, Jharkhand
Essential Qualification
Master’s degree in Wildlife Sciences/Forestry / Forest Management / Environmental Sciences / Life Sciences with 60% aggregated marks and above from a recognized university. 
Desirable Qualification
Desired knowledge and experience of wildlife/ environmental concerns and management; proven field based aptitudes and willingness to work in difficult condition in remote area, computer skills for data management and analysis including statistics and GIS; proven experience and skill for writing popular articles / scientific papers / report, etc. Ph.D in relevant field will be preferred.
Description of work
Technical survey related to biodiversity values, habitat linkages for animal movement and dispersal, occupancies and seasonal abundances of endangered species, Landcover and landuse maps, impacts of mining and other biotic factors and strategies for mitigation.
Not exceeding 35 years as on the date of interview. Upper age limit in case of applicants belonging to SC/ST/OBC/ and Physically handicapped categories may be relaxed as per the rules.
Rs.25,000/- (Consolidated)
  General Conditions The candidates should report by 0930 hrs. for scrutiny of documents on 2nd March, 2015 followed by an Interview on the same day. The Institute will not provide accommodation for candidates appearing for the interview.Candidates should bring the duly filled-in application with attested true copies of testimonials of educational qualifications along with certificate of extracurricular activities, date of birth, mark sheets of all examinations etc.  All original documents/certificates must be  produced at the time of registration for necessary verification.No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.The application form can be downloaded from the Institute’s website Director WII, reserves the right to reject any candidature in view of incomplete information provided by the candidate or for any other reason thereof.                                                                                                   

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Recruitment of post of Officer in Junior Management (Scale I) Cadre and Office Assistant (Multipurpose) at Sutlej Gramin Bank, Bathinda | bank jobs 2015 | Sutlej Gramin Bank jobs 2015

Recruitment of post of Officer in Junior Management (Scale I) Cadre and Office Assistant (Multipurpose) at Sutlej Gramin Bank, Bathinda | bank jobs 2015 | Sutlej Gramin Bank jobs 2015

सतलुज ग्रामीण बैंक में वैकेंसी निकली हैं. इच्छुक उम्मीदवार 20 मार्च तक आवेदन कर सकते हैं.
पदों की संख्या: 41
पद का नाम:
ऑफिसर स्केल
ऑफिस असिस्टेंट
पे स्केल: ऑफिसर स्केल के लिए 31363 हजार और ऑफिस असिस्टेंट के लिए 16799 हजार है.
योग्यता: CWE-IIII RRB पास
चयन प्रक्रिया: उम्मीदवारों का चयन सितंबर/अक्टूबर के स्कोर और पर्सनल इंटरव्यू के आधार पर किया जाएगा.

For More Details See below

Latest Jobs in Delhi Metro 2015

Latest Jobs in Delhi Metro 2015
Latest Jobs in Delhi Metro 2015