Latest Job in Bhel

Monday, February 2, 2015

Vacancy of Teaching and Non-Teaching Post at Indira Gandhi National Tribal University Feb 2015 | Last Date 28 Feb 2015 | Sarkari Naukri 2015

Vacancy of Teaching and Non-Teaching Post at Indira Gandhi National Tribal University Feb 2015 | Last Date 28 Feb 2015 | Sarkari Naukri 2015

For Full Details See Below

Now IRCTC Started Cash On Delivery Train Ticket at Doorstep | Date 03 Feb 2015

Now IRCTC Started Cash On Delivery Train Ticket at Doorstep | Date 03 Feb 2015
आईआरसीटीसी वेबसाइट का होमपेज
ऑनलाइन शॉपिंग में लोगों को जो सबसे अच्छा फीचर पसंद आता है वह है 'कैश ऑन डिलिवरी', यानी समान आपके हाथ में आने के बाद भुगतान. अब यही सुविधा आपको भारतीय रेल में भी मिलेगी. आईआरसीटीसी से टिकट बुक कराते समय आप 'कैश ऑन डिलिवरी' का ऑप्शन चुन सकते हैं. एक बार इंटरनेट टिकट आपके घर पर पहुंच जाए तो आपको भुगतान करना होगा.
रेल टिकट में 'कैश ऑन डिलिवरी' की शुरूआत करते हुए आईआरसीटीसी उन ग्राहकों को लक्ष्य बनाना चाहती है जो अपने क्रेडिट या डेबिट कार्ड का इस्तेमाल नहीं करना चाहते. साथ ही जिनके पास नेट बैंकिंग की सुविधा नहीं है, वे भी अब टिकट बुक करा पाएंगे.

परियोजना में शामिल आईआरसीटीसी के एक वरिष्ठ अधिकारी ने बताया, ‘सिर्फ ऑनलाइन टिकट बुक कराना होगा और टिकट बताए पते पर आने के बाद उसका भुगतान किया जा सकेगा.’ इस परियोजना को पायलट प्रोजेक्ट के तौर पर शुरू किया गया है और शुरू में यह सेवा केवल 200 शहरों में ही उपलब्ध होगी. इसके तहत ग्राहक यात्रा से पांच दिन पहले टिकट खरीद सकेंगे.

स्लीपर क्लास के प्रत्येक टिकट के लिए जहां 40 रुपये का डिलिवरी चार्ज लिया जाएगा वहीं एसी क्लास के प्रत्येक टिकट के लिए 60 रुपये लिए जाएंगे. ‘कैश ऑन डिलिवरी’ सेवा के लिए अंदुरिल टेक्नोलॉजिज को उनकी वेबसाइट एवं उनके एप बुकमाईट्रेन डॉट कॉम के जरिए अधिकृत किया गया है. अधिकारी ने बताया कि लोगों को टिकट काउंटर से दूर रहने एवं बुकिंग खिड़कियों को भीड़भाड़ से बचाने की यह एक और कोशिश है.

RRB ने जारी किया सिकंदराबाद टेक्निशियन का रिजल्ट | RRB Declared result of sikandrabad Technician 2015

RRB ने जारी किया सिकंदराबाद टेक्निशियन का रिजल्ट | RRB Declared result of sikandrabad Technician 2015
रेलवे रिक्रूटमेंट बोर्ड (RRB), सिकंदराबाद ने टेक्निशियन पदों की भर्ती के लिए अंतिम रिजल्ट जारी कर दिया है. RRB के वेबसाइट पर जाकर रिजल्ट देखा जा सकता है.
इसकी लिखित परीक्षा 30 जनवरी 2011 को आयोजित की गई थी और उसका रिजल्ट 24 जनवरी 2012 को दिया गया था.
काफी छान-बीन करने के बाद सिर्फ एक उम्मीदवार का चयन नौकरी के लिए किया गया है. जिन उम्मीदवारों ने इस परीक्षा के लिए आवेदन दिया था, 
See Results,4,1244

Results of Probationary Officers, Written test (Phase - I) Held in November 2014 , SBI PO | BANK RESULTS

 Results of Probationary Officers, Written test (Phase - I) Held in November 2014 , SBI PO | BANK RESULTS
स्टेट बैंक ऑफ इंडिया (SBI) ने एसोसिएट बैंक्स पीओ के लिखित परीक्षा का रिजल्ट जारी कर दिया है. जिन उम्मीदवारों ने यह परीक्षा दी थी, वे अपना रिजल्ट देख सकते हैं.
स्टेट बैंक ऑफ इंडिया ने पीओ पद के लिए लिखित परीक्षा का आयोजन नवंबर 2014 में किया था. जिन उम्मीदवारों ने लिखित परीक्षा पास कर लिया है, उन्हें ग्रुप डिस्कशन और इंटरव्यू देना होगा, जिसे 16 फरवरी को आयोजित किया जाएगा. SBI के ऑफिश‍ियल वेबसाइट से इंटरव्यू कॉल लेटर डाउनलोड किया जा सकता है.
See Results Below

Psu banks should be allowed to recruit from iits iims : sbi सरकारी बैंकों को IIT-IIM से रिक्रूटमेंट की अनुमति हो: SBI

देश के सबसे बड़े भारतीय स्टेट बैंक ने कहा है कि सार्वजनिक क्षेत्र के बैंकों को भारतीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थानों (आईआईटी) और भारतीय प्रबंधन संस्थानों (आईआईएम) से रिक्रूटमेंट का मौका मिलना चाहिए.
एसबीआई की चेयरपर्सन अरंधति भट्टाचार्य ने हाल में एक कार्यक्रम में कहा, ‘आईआईटी और आईआईएम जैसे संस्थानों में जनता का पैसा लगा है, इन सभी संस्थानों से सार्वजनिक क्षेत्र के बैंकों को रिक्रूटमेंट का अधिकार नहीं है.’’ उन्होंने कहा कि फिलहाल उच्चतम न्यायालय सरकारी बैंकों को कैंपस नियुक्ति की अनुमति नहीं देता, क्योंकि उनके लिए प्रत्येक वैकेंसी के लिए विज्ञापन निकालना जरूरी है.
उन्होंने कहा, ‘वास्तव में इन संस्थानों पर करदाताओं का पैसा लगाया जाता है और उसके बाद सार्वजनिक क्षेत्र के बैंकों की इनकी प्रतिभाओं की रिक्रूटमेंट से रोका जाता है.’भट्टाचार्य ने कहा कि सार्वजनिक क्षेत्र के बैंकों को आईआईटी व आईआईएम से रिक्रूटमेंट से रोक कर एक बाधा खड़ी की जा रही है और उन्हें समान अवसरों से वंचित किया जा रहा है.

Walk-in-Interview at Indira Gandhi National Tribal University, Amarkantak | sarkari naukri 2015

Walk-in-Interview at Indira Gandhi National Tribal University, Amarkantak | sarkari naukri 2015

Vacancy of Clerk in Manipur High Court | Last Date 16 Feb 2015 | Sarkari Naukri 2015

Vacancy of Clerk in Manipur High Court | Last Date 16 Feb 2015 | Sarkari Naukri 2015
मणिपुर हाई कोर्ट में एलडीसी और एलडीए के लिए वैकेंसी है. इच्छुक उम्मीदवार 16 फरवरी तक आवेदन कर सकते हैं.
पदों के नाम
लोअर डिविजनल क्लर्क
लोअर डिविजनल असिस्टेंट
पदों की संख्या

योग्यता: ग्रजेुएट

चयन लिखित परीक्षा और इंटरव्यू के आधार पर किया जाएगा.
उम्र सीमा: 35 साल

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Vacancy for Officer Scale-1 at Allahabad UP Gramin Bank | Last Date 12 Feb 2015 | Bank Jobs 2015

Vacancy for Officer Scale-1 at Allahabad UP Gramin Bank | Last Date 12 Feb 2015 | Bank Jobs 2015

Job For 10+2 at INDIAN COAST GUARD (MINISTRY OF DEFENCE) NAVIK (GENERAL DUTY) | Last Date 10 Feb 2015 | Sarkari Naukri 2015

Job For 10+2 at INDIAN COAST GUARD (MINISTRY OF DEFENCE)  NAVIK (GENERAL DUTY) | Last Date 10 Feb 2015 | Sarkari Naukri 2015

For Full Details See Below

CBSE will not conduct NET June 2015 Exam

असिस्टेंट प्रोफेसर और जूनियर रिसर्च फेलोशिप के लिए लिया जाने वाला एंट्रेंस एग्जाम नेशनल एलिजीबिलिटी टेस्ट जून 2015, इस बार सीबीएसई नहीं कराएगा.
केंद्रीय मानव संसाधन विकास मंत्रालय ने यह फैसला लिया है. दरअसल इस मामले में सीबीएसई ने एचआरडी मिनिस्ट्री को पत्र लिखकर कहा है कि बोर्ड एग्जाम में व्यस्तता के कारण वह नेट जून 2015 के लिए तैयार नहीं है.
आपको बता दें कि दिसंबर 2014 में सीबीएसई ने पहली बार नेट एग्जाम कराया था. इससे पहले यूजीसी ही यह एग्जाम कराता आया था. ये एग्जाम साल में दो बार आयोजित किया जाता है. जून एग्जाम के लिए बोर्ड का कहना है कि बोर्ड के पास दसवीं, बारहवीं की बोर्ड परीक्षाओं के अलावा सीटीईटी, जेईई मेंस और एआईपीएमटी एग्जाम्स के आयोजन का भी काम है जिसके चलते वह इस एग्जाम की जिम्मेदारी नहीं ले सकता है.
सूत्रों की मानें तो मंत्रालय ने भी इस पर सहमति जताते हुए नेट परीक्षा दोबारा यूजीसी को देने के लिए कह दिया है.

Various Requirement at HIMACHAL PRADESH PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION | Last Date 28 Feb 2015 | Sarkari Naukri 2015

Various Requirement at HIMACHAL PRADESH PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION | Last Date 28 Feb 2015 | Sarkari Naukri 2015

Various Requirement at Bihar State Health Society | Last date 16 Feb 2015 | sarkari naukri 2015

Various Requirement at Bihar State Health Society | Last date 16 Feb 2015 | sarkari naukri 2015

Position NameCategoryAge as on 1st Oct-14*QualificationExperienceConsolidated RemunerationTOR
Form Link
District Programme Officer (Procurement & Logistic) (HPD)UR -5 EBC -2 BC -1 SC-245Essential Qualification:A. Pharmacy or Chemistry Graduate with MBA / Post Graduate Diploma in supply chain or Operation Management or Logistic Management or Material Management or Hospital or health Management or Master degree in Pharmacy.
B. Proficiency in the usage of computer, particularly MS office.
C. Written and spoken proficiency in Hindi and English.
Essential ExperienceMinimum 3 years’ relevant experience in supply chain / operation management/ Logistic Management/ handling of equipments in hospital settings.
Desirable Experience
A. Should have knowledge of government purchase/procurement rules and regulations of Bihar Finance Rules, CVC guidelines and General Finance Rules.
B. Experiences of working in large multispecialty hospitals.
Programe Officer -Family Planning and Adoloscent HealthUR -5 EBC -2 BC -1 SC-245
Essential Qualification
PG Degree/ PG Diploma (@ years) in Health Hospital /Rural Management / Social Work from institute / university recognized / approved by Govt. or AICTE.
B. Working knowledge of computers
Desirable Qualification
Good presentation, communication and writing skills in Hindi & English 
Essential Experience
At least 4 years of experience in RCH/FP program Management & implementation under NHM at District/ Regional level with government or international/National agency/NGO of repute.
Desirable Experience
A. Experience of coordinating with government health programs.
B. Should be familiar with functioning of government systems. 
Laboratory Technician (Fluorosis)UR -4 EBC -1 BC -1 SC-121 to 45
Essential Qualification
Intermediate Science/10+2 Science/Equivalent and Diploma in MLT from Government or any recognized Institution.
Desirable Qualification
Degree in MLT.
Essential Experience
At least 2 years experience in Laboratory work.
Desirable Experience
Experience in Fluorosis Program with Govt./International/ National Agency will be given preference. 
District Consultant (Fluorosis)UR -4 EBC -1 BC -1 SC-121 to 45
Essential Qualification
(a) For Medical Person : MBBS/BDS degree recognised by MCI/DCI
(b) For Non Medical Person : M.Sc degree Biochemistry/ Nutrition /Microbiology/ Molecular Biology / Life Sciences / Public Health / Community Resource of equivalent.
Desirable Qualification
MD/MBA/PGDM/PG Diploma in Health management.
Essential Experience
2 years in Research/teaching/laboratory Service/Programme Implementation etc.
Field InvestigatorsUR-2 &
21 to 40
Essential Qualification
10+2 with science at least 50% aggregate marks.
Desirable Qualification
Preference will be given to candidates with 60% and above marks.
Essential Experience
At least 1 years experience in work of health related program
Desirable Experience.
Experience in Fluorosis Program with Govt./International/ National Agency will be given preference.
District Health IT ManagerUR -19 EBC -7 BC -5 SC-6 BCF-145
Essential Qualification
Candidate should have BCA (Bachelor of Computer Applications) or Equivalent degree in Computer Science / IT from any recognized university/institution.
Desirable Qualification
Any certification in networking/database management/web designing.
Essential Experience
At least three years total experience in giving support in software/hardware/networking related issues with one year experience in Health Sector
Desirable Experience
Ability to understand IT Systems, Reporting Formats, data analysis and having good documentation, training, communication and liaison skills in both Hindi and English languages.
Note: Preference will be given to the candidates having at least one year experience of working in IT based System in Bihar Govt./PSU/Health Sector.
District Programme Officer - Human Resource (HPD)UR -5 EBC -2 BC -1 SC-245
Essential Qualification
MBA having in the area of human resources management / personnel management
Essential Experience
At least 3 years of experience in the area of human resources management / personnel management
Desirable Experience
Candidates having worked under government set up would be given preference. 
District Administrative cum Programme assistant (District Quality Assurance Unit)UR -9 EBC -3 BC -2 SC-321 to 45
Essential Qualification
Recognized graduate degree with fluency in MS-Officer package
Desirable Qualification
Knowledge of accountancy and drafting skill
Essential Experience
1 year experience of managing office, drafting, file keeping, and providing support to health programs/NHM.
District Consultant - Public Health ( Quality)UR -9 EBC -3 BC -2 SC-321 to 45
Essential Qualification
MBBS/Ayush/Health Management /MBA or PG degree / PG diploma (2 years full time course) in Public Health from a recognised university / institution.
Desirable Qualification
Advance diploma or degree or PhD degree in the relevant areas.
Essential Experience
Should have 3 years of relevant experience of implementing quality assurance programme in public health.
Desirable Experience
A. Training in health quality like NABH/ISO 9001:2008 / six sigma etc by a reputed institution.
B. Working experience with government will be an added advantage.
District Consultant -Quality AssuranceUR -19 EBC -7 BC -5 SC-6 BCF-121 to 45
Essential Qualification
MBBS/Ayush/Health Management /MBA or PG degree / PG diploma in Public Health/ Social Work or in Rural Development from a recognised university / institution.
Desirable Qualification
Advance diploma or degree or PhD degree in the relevant areas.
Essential Experience
Should have 3 years of relevant experience of implementing quality assurance programme in public health.
Desirable Experience
A. Certificate Course in quality assurance system like NABH/ISO9001:2008/Six Sigma etc.
B. Working experience with government will be an added advantage.
District Consultant -Quality MonitoringUR -9 EBC -3 BC -2 SC-321 to 45
Essential Qualification
MBA or PG degree or PG diploma in Public Health/ Social Work or in Rural Development /Statistics from a recognised university / institution.
Desirable Qualification
Advance diploma or degree or PhD degree in the relevant areas.
Essential Experience
Should have 3 years of relevant experience.
Desirable Experience
A. Previous work experience of health /hospitals would be preferred.
B. Working experience with government will be an added advantage.
District Programme Officer- Quality Assurance and facility StrengtheningUR -5 EBC -2 BC -1 SC-221 to 45
Essential Qualification
MBA or Post Graduate Degree or PG Diploma (2 years full time course) in Public Health/ Health Management/ hospital administration from a recognised University/Institution
Desirable Qualification
Certificate course in Quality Assurance.
Essential Experience
3 Years experience in public Health/Hospital administration, out of which atleast one year work in the field of public health quality.
Desirable Experience
Experience of implementing quality certification programs like NABH/ISO/Six Sigma/Kaizen is desirable.
District Programme Officer -Maternal Health (HPD)UR -5 EBC -2 BC -1 SC-245
Essential Qualification
a. Medical graduate (MBBS) or Post Graduate Diploma(2 years)/MBA in Health Management/Hospital Management/Rural Management from recognised university/ Institute
b. Working knowledge of computer.
Desirable Qualification
MD in Community Medicine/OBG or Diploma in OBG or MPH/Ph.D. in Public Health will get preference.
Essential Experience
2 years’ post qualification working experience in RCH programmes at district level.
Desirable Experience
3 years or more work experience in RCH programme at District/State level in Public Health Programme management and implementation of NRHM flagship programmes either with government or in NGOs working in health sector. 
District Programme Officer - Child Health and RBSK (HPD)UR -5 EBC -2 BC -1 SC-245
Essential Qualification
a. Medical graduate (MBBS) or Post Graduate Diploma (2 years)/MBA in Health Management/Hospital Management/Rural Management from recognised university/Institute
b. Working knowledge of computer.
Desirable Qualification
MD in Community Medicine/Paediatrics/OBG or Diploma in OBG/DCH or MPH/Ph.D. in Public Health will get preference.
Essential Experience
2 years’ post qualification working experience in RCH programmes at district level.
Desirable Experience
3 years or more work experience in RCH programme at District/State level in Public Health Programme management and implementation of NRHM flagship programmes either with government or in NGOs working in health sector.
Programme Officer, NCD Cell (District Programme Management Team)UR -5 EBC -2 BC -1 SC-245
Essential Qualification
A. Graduation with MBA / Post Graduate Diploma in Hospital or health Management or MPH.
B. Proficiency in the usage of computer, particularly MS office.
Desirable Qualification
Medical Graduate preferred (MBBS/AYUSH).
Essential Experience
3 years’ relevant experience in the managing of health programme.
Desirable Experience
Working experiences in the field of non-communicable disease (NCD), specifically diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
District Programme Coordinator, District NCD CellUR -12 EBC -4 BC -3 SC-3 BCF-145
Essential Qualification
M.B.B.S from institution recognized by Medical Council of India (MCI)
Desirable Qualification
Diploma / Masters in Public Health / CHA
Essential Experience
Two years experience of working in Health Services / Public Health Programme in Non Communicable Diseases.
Desirable Experience
Working Knowledge of operating computers and internet usage.
Epidemiologist, District NCD CellUR -12 EBC -4 BC -3 SC-3 BCF-145
Essential Qualification
MBBS degree from institution recognized by Medical Council of India.
Desirable Qualification
Diploma / Masters in Public Health or MD/DNB in Preventive & Social Medicine/Community Medicine/ Community Health Administration/MBA (Health Care Administration).
Essential Experience
5 year’s post Qualification experience in Health Management/ Public Health Programme/ Health Services.
Desirable Experience
Experience in Non ommunicable Disease control program/projects
Finance cum logistic Consultant, District NCD CellUR -12 EBC -4 BC -3 SC-3 BCF-145
Essential Qualification
Inter CA/Inter ICWA/M.Com or MBA (Finance/ Material Management) with knowledge of computer.
Essential Experience
At least 3 years experience in accounting including analysis, financial reporting, budgeting, financial software and reporting system, preferably in health programme.
Desirable Experience
Experience of working in Health Care Financing/ National Health Accounts
General Physician, District NCD ClinicUR -12 EBC -4 BC -3 SC-3 BCF-162
Essential Qualification
MBBS or equivalent degree from institution recognised by Medical Council of India.
Desirable Qualification
MD in any stream of Medicine.
Essential Experience
At least 3 year experience of working in a recognised Hospital /Institute/ Nursing Home.
GNM, District NCD ClinicUR-23 EBC-08 BC-06 SC-7 ST-1 BC(F)-145
Essential Qualification
GNM qualification as recognised by Nursing Council of India
Desirable Qualification
B.SC (Nursing)
Essential Experience
At least 2 years experience of working in a recognised Hospital/ Institute/ Nursing Home.

Laboratory Technician, District NCD ClinicUR -12 EBC -4 BC -3 SC-3 BCF-145Essential Qualification
10+2 qualification with DMLT.
Essential Experience
Working experience in a recognised / Institute / Nursing Home hospital with minimum two year’s experience
Basic knowledge of computer like Word processing and Data processing.

GNM (CCU & District Cancer Care Facility)UR-24 EBC-08 BC-06 SC-8 ST-1 BC(F)-145
Essential Qualification
GNM qualification From Institute recognised by Nursing Council of India.
Essential Experience
At least 2 years experience of working in a hospital, preferably in ICU.

Staff Nurse-NRCUR-20 EBC-07 BC-05 SC-7 BC(F)-121 to 40
Essential Qualification
1 BSc Nursing /GNM A-Grade Staff Nurse and Registered with Bihar Nursing Council.
2.Good communication skills are added advantage
Desirable Qualification
1. Familiarity with functioning of government systems
Essential Experience
1 year post qualification working experience in health sector.
Desirable Experience
Minimum 2 years of work experience in nutrition sector either with government, private or NGOs.
Feeding Demonstrator/Nutrition CounsellorUR -5 EBC -2 BC -1 SC-221 to 62
Essential Qualification
1. Bachelor Degree in Nutrition /Home Science and Social work.
Desirable Qualification
1. Master Degree in Nutrition /Home Science and Social work.
Essential Experience
Minimum 6 months of work experience as a nutrition counsellor working either with government, private or NGOs working in health sector.
Desirable Experience
a. Strong demonstration Skill.
b. Strong Documentation Skill (Process document and Best Practices)
c. Excellent communication skill
Medical Officer/ PaediatricianUR -5 EBC -2 BC -1 SC-221 to 62
Essential Qualification
MBBS Degree from a Recognized University and Registered with Medical Council of India (MCI)
Desirable Qualification
A. MD/DNB/DCH in Paediatrics from a Recognized University and Registered with Medical Council of India (MCI)
B. FIMNCi/Post graduation training in Nutrition and/or Health.
C. Working knowledge of computer.
Essential Experience
Minimum 2 years of work experience either with government NGO working in child health.
CBC ExtenderUR -5 EBC -2 BC -1 SC-221 to 45
Essential Qualification
Bachelor Degree
Desirable Qualification
A. Master in Social Work
B. Working experience in Computer.
Essential Experience
Minimum 1 year of work experience in community based cares/Health care and /or IYCF.
Desirable Experience
A. Strong demonstration Skill.
B. Excellent communication skill
Doctor Trainer - RMNCH+AUR -2 EBC -145
Essential Qualification
MBBS degree form recognised by Medical council of India (MCI)
Essential Experience
Three years post qualification experience in NRHM/Public Health.
Desirable Experience
Experience in RMNCH+A
Teaching and training experience in relevant field
Data Entry Operator - RMNCH+AUR -2 EBC -145
Essential Qualification
Graduate from any recognized university in any discipline with 1 year Diploma in Computer Application from certified centres like DOEACC, NIELIT, AICTE etc.
Desirable Qualification
Candidate with BCA degree and Proficiency in computer use will get preference.
Essential Experience
Minimum 2 years relevant experience in Government of Bihar or it’s PSU or Health Sector.

Nurse TrainerUR-5 EBC-2 BC-1 SC-145
Essential Qualification
M.Sc. Nursing with year post qualification experience or Degree in Nursing with 3 years post qualification Experience
Meeting the registration requirements of Nursing Council.
Essential Experience
Minimum relevant experiences mentioned above.
Desirable Experience
Post qualification experience in RMNCH +A
Training/Teaching experience in relevant field
ARSH / Adolescent Health CounsellorsUR-58 EBC-21 BC-14 SC-19 ST-1 BC(F)-345
Essential Qualification
Degree in Social Work
Degree in Psychology
Any Bachelor degree with one year experience in counselling with govt. institutions / reputed organization.
Essential Experience
For Bachelor degree holder (other than degree is social work or degree in Psychology) one year experience in counselling with govt. institutions/ reputed organisation.
Desirable Experience
Understanding of laws, policies and procedures pertaining to informed consent and confidentiality, contraceptive services, abortion, STI/HIV testing and treatment, substance abuse treatment, management of mental health and sexual abuse/domestic violence cases etc.
DEIC Manager Cum Coordinator RBSKUR -19 EBC -7 BC -5 SC-6 BCF-145
Essential Qualification
a. Masters in Disability Rehabilitation Administration (MDRA) approved by Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI) or BPT (Bachelor in Physiotherapy), BOT (Bachelor in Occupational Therapy), BPO (Bachelor in Prosthetic and orthotics), B. Sc Nursing and other RCI recognized degrees or PGD/MBA (Health/hospital/Rural management) from any institute (Regular Course) recognised by AICTE or M.A in Social Science (Regular Course) from a recognized university.
b. Working knowledge of computer.
Desirable Qualification
MPH or Ph.D. in Public Health
Essential Experience
2 years’ post qualification working experience in child health programmes at district level at least.
Desirable Experience
Minimum 2 years or more work experience in RCH programme at State level in Public Health Programme management and implementation of NRHM flagship programmes either with government or in NGOs working in health sector.
District Programme Officer - Immunization (HPD)UR -5 EBC -2 BC -1 SC-245
Essential Qualification
A medical graduate (MBBS) or a graduate from any discipline with a post graduate diploma in Hospital management / Health management / Public health management/child care and development from a recognised institute.
Desirable Qualification
Proficiency in computer use and additional certificates/ diplomas in computer applications would be an added advantage.
Essential Experience
Minimum 5 years of work experience in implementation and management of various
Public Health Programme at district/state level in government set up or NGOs working in health sector.
Desirable Experience
Candidates who have worked in Immunization programmes at the Govt. setup or with NGOs working in health sector would be preferred.
District ConsultantUR -1 EBC -130-45
Essential Qualificationa).Bachelor degree with post graduate diploma in Public Health/District Health Management or related field or Social Sciences or Management from a recognized institution/university.
Desirable Qualification
Post graduate degree in public health
Essential Experience
(a) Minimum five years experience of working in health related field at state or district level. (b) Demonstrated experience of working with the government sector at state/district level.
Desirable Experience
Experience in Tobacco Control Programme with Govt./ National/ International agency will be given preference.

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