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Sunday, November 23, 2014

Magnus Carlsen Wins Game 11 vs Viswanathan Anand and Retain title of world chess champion

Former IAS Deepak Gupta appoint new chairman of UPSC | Jharkand cader IAS Deepak Gupta's Biography

Former IAS Deepak Gupta appoint new chairman of UPSC | Jharkand cader IAS Deepak Gupta's Biography
दीपक गुप्ता की फाइल फोटो
केंद्र सरकार ने पुरानी परंपराओं को दरकिनार करते हुए झारखंड कैडर के पूर्व IAS अधिकारी दीपक गुप्ता को UPSC का नया चेयरमैन नियुक्त किया है. अब तक आयोग के मौजूदा सदस्यों में से ही किसी को इस संवैधानिक संस्था का अध्यक्ष नियुक्त किया जाता था. दीपक गुप्ता ने शनिवार को अध्यक्ष का पदभार संभाल लिया है.
बताया जाता है कि दीपक पूर्व केंद्रीय गृह सचिव मधुकर गुप्ता के छोटे भाई हैं. सूत्रों ने बताया कि पहली बार बाहर से लाकर किसी व्यक्ति को यूपीएससी अध्यक्ष नियुक्त कर दिया गया है. जबकि अभी यूपीएएसी की सदस्य और मध्य प्रदेश कैडर की पूर्व आईएएस अधिकारी अलका सिरोही के अध्यक्ष बनने की बारी थी.
गुप्ता से पहले संस्था की अध्यक्ष रजनी राजदान थीं, जिनका कार्यकाल शनिवार को ही खत्म हो गया

Latest update on Merger of CIO and PIO card holder | PM Narendra Modi update on CIO and PIO

Latest update on Merger of CIO and PIO card holder | PM Narendra Modi update on CIO and PIO

Indian government given deadline of Merger of PIO and CIO card holder for latest update click below

Date : 17 Nov 2014 | 17-11-2014

Friday, November 21, 2014

BSEB Topper list 2014 | Bihar school examination board topper in science and arts date 22.11.2014

BSEB announced board exam 2014 topper in science and arts today 21.11.2014


Patna University 3rd Year graduation exam schedule | Exam start date 12Feb 2015

 Patna University 3rd Year graduation exam schedule | Exam start date 12Feb 2014


H-1B VISA Update | Good news about H-1B Visa by America | PM Modi effect on USA

H-1B VISA Update | Good news about H-1B Visa by America | PM Modi effect on USA
For more read  click below

Final Merit List of Candidates Selected for The Post of Excutive Assistant-2014 |Chapra , Saran Distric

Final Merit List of Candidates Selected for The Post of Excutive Assistant-2014 |Chapra , Saran Distric
 For details see below

हरिहर क्षेत्र सोनपुर मेला-2014 के अवसर पर अवैध वन्‍य पशुओं के व्‍यापार एवं अवैध पशु दौड़ के रोक-थाम तथा पशुओं की ढुलाई के दौरान सुसंगत नियमों/अधिनियमों का पालन सुनिश्चित कराने के संबंध में।

हरिहर क्षेत्र सोनपुर मेला-2014 के अवसर पर अवैध वन्‍य पशुओं के व्‍यापार एवं अवैध पशु दौड़ के रोक-थाम तथा पशुओं की ढुलाई के दौरान सुसंगत नियमों/अधिनियमों का पालन सुनिश्चित कराने के संबंध में।

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Need SBI Campus in Bihar | List of place where need Land or House for SBI Campus

Need SBI Campus in Bihar | List of place where need Land or House for SBI Campus

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Hollywood Icon Lauren Bacall died | Biography

Legendary actress Lauren Bacall, an icon of Hollywood's golden age who lit up the silver screen in a series of classic movies opp

For more information click below

मनरेगा योजनान्‍तर्ग​त विभिन्‍न पदों पर संविदा आधारित Final Select list and Wait list के संबंध में। *सामाजिक सुरक्षा पेंशन वितरण

मनरेगा योजनान्‍तर्ग​त विभिन्‍न पदों पर संविदा आधारित Final Select list and Wait list के संबंध में। *सामाजिक सुरक्षा पेंशन वितरण

For more information click below

Friday, August 8, 2014

Ebola Virus : what is Ebola virus , symptoms and precautions

here is currently an Ebola outbreak putting all of us at risk. 
What is EBOLA?

It's a virus that attacks a person blood system:

Ebola is what scientists call a haemorraghic fever - it operates by making its victims bleed from almost
anywhere on their body.
Usually victims bleed to

Ebola is highly contagious;
Being transmitted via
contact with body fluids
such as blood, sweat, saliva,
semen or other body discharges.

Ebola is however NOT AN AIRBORNE VIRUS!

About 90% of people that
catch Ebola will die from it.
It's one of the deadliest
diseases in the world,
killing in just a few weeks.

Untreatable(no cure):
Ebola has no known treatment or cure.
Victims are usually treated for symptoms with the faint hope that they

❓How Do I Know Someone has Ebola?

•Joint & Muscle pains
•Stomach Pain
•Lack of Appetite

Protect Yourself:
•Wash Your Hands
with Soap
Do this a lot. You can
also use a good hand
sanitizer. Avoid
unnecessary physical contact with people.

■Restrict yourself to food you prepared yourself.

■Disinfect Your Surroundings
The virus cannot
survive disinfectants,heat, direct sunlight,detergents and soaps.

Clean up!:
•Fumigate If you have Pests.
•Rodents can be carriers of Ebola.
•Fumigate your environment & dispose off the carcasses properly!
•Dead bodies CAN still
transmit Ebola.
•Don't touch them without
protective gear or better yet avoid them altogether.

Protect Yourself:
•Use protective gear if you
must care or go near
someone you suspect has

•Report any suspicious
symptoms in yourself or
anyone else IMMEDIATELY.

Do not delay!

Educate Everyone:
•Tell your neighbours,
colleagues and domestic
staff (anyone really). Basically you're safer when
everyone is educated.

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