In yet another shocking act of depraved violence against women, a 21-year-old south Asian student
of the country’s premier National Law School of India University was allegedly gang-raped by a group of seven to eight drunk men in the adjoining Jnanabharathi campus of Bangalore University late on Saturday night.
The second-year undergraduate student was out with a male friend, who works with an IT major, in his Volkswagen Polo car in a forested area of the 1100-acre campus, just about 2km from the Centre for Gandhian Studies, when they were attacked. While the male friend, who is from Kollam in Kerala, was brutally beaten up, the girl was allegedly sexually assaulted by the gang.
The girl was later taken to Vani Vilas Hospital where she was medically examined. The results are awaited.
Established in 1987, the NLSIU is a dream destination for law students. The campus has girls and boys in equal numbers; foreign students comprise a minority.
Victim and her friend were in his car in a thickly forested area of Bangalore Univ campus
Around 9pm, a group of 7-8 drunk men broke the windshield with iron rods
They beat the boy and forced the couple to walk with them deeper into the woods
The boy was told to return to the car and bring his wallet, which he had left behind
The assailants gang-raped the girl, then left her outside her hostel after thrusting a 10 note in her hands B’lore cops play down gang rape allegation
Bangalore: Over four hours, a group of drunk men allegedly raped a National Law School student near the Bangalore University Campus and walked her to her hostel and thrust a Rs 10 note into her hands before fleeing. The 21-year-old victim frantically called her male friend, who was with her in a car when the men attacked and had been looking for her since.
However, the police sought to downplay gang-rape allegations, saying the girl bore no injury or struggle marks during the medical examination.
Quoting from a complaint filed by the assaulted student, the police said that around eight Kannada-speaking hoodlums arrived on foot around 9pm and smashed the windshield of the parked car with iron rods. They then asked the terrorized couple to get out of the car, hit the boy repeatedly on his face, and dragged them deeper into the thickly wooded campus, 14km from the city on the Mysore highway.
According to the girl’s complaint, the assailants snatched her iPad and other electronic gadgets from her and raped her. They then walked her to the hostel on NLSIU campus where she stays, returned the gadgets, and thrust a 10-rupee note into her hands. TNN